Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Millionaire Manifesto

“Becoming a millionaire starts in the mind so by golly I am going to fill my mind with millionaire thinking.” Gerry Hartigan

1      Millionaire thinking is unlimited thinking. I don’t want to limit my potential by my narrow thinking. I am now aiming for the stars, not the moon. I don’t want to aim for the familiar, I want to stretch myself and my thinking to see outside my comfort zone and look to the stars. That is where the uncharted territory is and that’s where I want to go.
2      Millionaire thinking is control. I am now in control of my own life. No one else is responsible for what happens to me from now on. I make my own bed and I will lie in it. I take responsibility for my actions and behaviors and my success will depend on my commitment to it.
3      Millionaire thinking is creative thinking. I am a creator and I am going to create new opportunities and situations every day. If I want to succeed I have to create success and the avenue for success.
4      Millionaire thinking is mountain climbing thinking. Obstacles will come my way. I may fail from time to time but I will get up and climb over the mountain or at least go around it.
5      Millionaire thinking allows me to delay gratification to a more suitable time. For now I will focus on wealth development and not waste money on frivolous things. That kind of spending will only get in the way of me building my business and my empire.
6       Millionaire thinking tells me that I am worthy. I am no different than anyone else. We all have the right to be happy, fulfilled, and live a prosperous life. I am worthy of abundance and wealth if I work hard and use my knowledge, experience, wisdom, and determination to succeed.
7      Millionaire thinking is success oriented. Try not to think of failure. It may come but focus instead on success and how you can achieve it.
8      Millionaire thinking is team-thinking. I know I need the help of others and I will see their advice and input as I grow my business.
9      Millionaire thinking is thankful. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, my family, my friends, my employees and my mentors.
10   Millionaire thinking is forward thinking. I plan for today and for tomorrow because I believe I am going to be successful and continue to grow.
11   Millionaire thinking is integrity. I seek to be honest in my dealings with others and to appreciate other people and not walk all over them in my quest for success.

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