Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Four Words Men Fear The Most

The Four Words Men Fear The Most

            Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a man more then these four words. These words have been known to bring men to their knees leaving them weeping in a pool of tears. These words have crushed men in the four corners of the world.  What are these evil words I speak of.


            Yes, those horrible four words. You arrive at her house to pick her up or you come home from work to your love and she is standing there in front of you, a big smile on her face, and stares in your eyes and asks you WHAT DO YOU THINK? The sweat forms in the back of your neck and runs all the way down your spine. Your right knee begins to knock. Your left eye starts to twitch rapidly. All of a sudden that cool, calm and collected man you once were has now disappeared to be replaced by a blob of jelly.
            Why do men fear those words so much? Because we have no idea what we are supposed to be looking at. Is it her hair, did she get it done? Do you have new furniture? We are not sure if it is the same furniture as when we left this morning. Maybe it is the carpet or the paint or a hundred other things. Our brains are on overdrive. We feel like our head is going to explode. God save us from this torment.
            What should you do? Should you just make a general statement like, “It looks great,” and hope that satisfies her? The danger here is the follow-up question. Meaning if she pushes you for more input and you can’t because you are struggling. Now comes the moment of truth. She gets that look on her face, which tells you that your game is up. She knows you have no idea what she is talking about. She asks you and you break down in a well of tears and confess your ignorance. You beg for mercy. There is none coming. She storms into the bedroom and bolts the door. Now you have to spend the next day apologizing for something but you are not sure what it is.
            You wrack your brain and look all over the house to see if anything is different. Nothing rings a bell. You check photos of your love on the table to see if she changed her hair color without you noticing. Nothing there either. In desperation you know you have to give up so you go crawling to the bedroom door and knock gently. No answer. You knock again. She tells you where to go in her best flowery language. You ask her to please tell you what it is you are supposed to notice. She shouts back in anger that she bought a new dress for the upcoming dinner party you are both going to and you didn’t even notice she was wearing it.
            Feeling like an idiot you continue to beg for forgiveness and plead your case. Not getting anywhere you head to the sofa to watch TV and most likely sleep for the night, as you are not going to get much comfort from her.
            Lesson to learn lads. Always write down what she is wearing when you leave the house and carry photos of the furniture and the inside of your home with you at all times so you can always check and see if anything has changed. God forbid you leave it up to your memory.

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