Sunday, January 2, 2011

A democracy is about the will of the majority; not the will of the individual

In every democracy in the world people vote on whom they want to represent them. They vote on issues that matter to them. You will never get 100% of people to agree on matters so in a democracy the will of the majority is what dictates issues. Why has America switched from that philosophy to trying to appease the will of the individual? I don't mean that the rights of the individual don't matter, they do.  But rights and will are two different issues. We should always respect the rights of people whether they agree with us or not but the will of the individual should always be placed in context with the will of the majority of people.

The reason we have political parties is because people have different opinions. If we try to please everyone then we would need three or four Presidents and three or four Senates. The reason we don't do that is because government and life couldn't function if we operated that way. Instead we go by what the will of the majority is. Now the US is heading down a dangerous road by switching from that track to always trying to please the individual and worrying about the will of each individual. If I had my way we would have ice cream on Tuesdays and free movies on Wednesdays. I don't get my way because it wouldn't work for the majority of us.

The US has got to get back to focusing on what is best for the people and abide by the wishes of the majority without damaging the rights of every one else. It can be done.

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